Done At Last!

Done At Last!

All the edits for The White Winds are complete! The whole thing is posted here and at AO3! I have not been updating it at as I should have but that will have to wait for another day. Month. Year, even.

I’ll admit I haven’t been writing every day as I intended to. However, I have been writing. I’ve also been pondering and asking advice, particularly in regards to Resolutions Redux and Brainstorm. I have finally decided that Brainstorm will be a sequel to Redux. I can start seeding some bits into Redux for Brainstorm (such as Brains calling his parents while he’s in England (the next bit in the story) and add bits from Redux to Brainstorm (mostly about his looks). Brainstorm can be set a month or two after the end of Redux, when things in the Gordon vs. Brains for Tin-Tin romance triangle is sort of somewhat resolved. (No spoilers!)

And now that I’ve finished TWW, I should look at the sequel. More Brains fic, yay! The whole “coming up with new rescues” business comes into play again… I refuse to write something set on Tracy Island that has no rescues! (Brainstorm isn’t set on TI, but there are rescues going on in the background nonetheless.)

So much to think about and reread! Probably should print some stuff out, too, and make notes.

But later, after I’ve slept.

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