The muse awakens!

The muse awakens!

You’d think that, in this time of shelter-in-place orders, I’d be writing up a storm, editing my work, finishing my works-in-progress.

You’d be wrong.

I’ve been sewing–making masks and finishing a very old quilt project. I’ve been playing video games. Doing chores. Gardening. Worrying about my parents. Chauffeuring the essential workers in my family. I’ve been ordering groceries as my kids won’t let me shop. I finally broke quarantine the other day, after the hair salons opened.

But I haven’t been writing.

Until today.

I started rereading some of my fantasy series. It’s still good, still workable. But it needs a hella lot of world-building. So, that’s what I’m doing today. Coming up with background for my world. Working out what the various races are. Talking to my sweet mother-in-law enabled a bit. Even while writing this, I came up with a little more.

I can truthfully say the muse woke up today and woke me up as well. Now, back to work.

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