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Tag: reaching my goal



Started the day at 43,831. Finished around 8 p.m. with 50,063. Our region had a marathon noon-to-midnight virtual write-in. In fact, I’m on the last two-hour shift and writing this as part of a sprint! A lot of what I’ve written has been dreck, to be honest. Some of it has had nothing to do with Burning Muses (though I did make a stab at finishing that), Commissions (on which I did far better than I thought), or The Love…

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6 days late but at the halfway point!

6 days late but at the halfway point!

Finally hit the halfway point on the 20th but it’s now the 21st here. I still have a long way to go to catch up but I’m working on it! Part of the issue is my fumbly fingers and my inability to jail my inner editor. The issue is mainly spelling; I know from experience that if I don’t get something at least approximating the word I intend, I may lose it on a later reread and spellcheck.  At least…

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Still behind…

Still behind…

But after writing pretty much all day, I’m closer to catching up. At the end of the day, I’ve written 5K. Still need to write more and, frankly, a lot of what I’m writing now will be cut later. The book should ideally span a married couple’s lifetime together but I don’t think it can. It’s probably easier to do this in scenes, though, than any of my fantasy novels have ever been. I did do a little research and…

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Two more days to go!

Two more days to go!

And only one more write-in. I’m up to date on my word count (as of 11/28) and the story is sorta starting to peter out. Not that it’s finished, I think, but my strongest scenes are written, for the most part. A problem with pantsing a story instead of planning it out. I need to start copying it to a text file for validation purposes so I know exactly how many words I have. I also want to run spell-check…

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Finally finished the third chapter

Finally finished the third chapter

I have been so behind on blogging and writing. Partially because I don’t have the deadline of NaNoWriMo hanging over my head but also because there’s been a lot of personal upheaval in my life–from my mom’s kidney failure to my dad’s current hospital stay to my recent fractured leg due to another nasty fall. However, I’m determined to get this Flash fic done and off to a betareader before the end of the month. Why? The first session of Camp…

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At 9:01PM 11/29/16

At 9:01PM 11/29/16

Word count was 50017 to validate. I added another 100 or so words after midnight to get the “Update your word count for 30 days” badge. One more write-in tomorrow night. I think I may work on my fanfic for The Flash fandom, just for a change of pace. Then the Thank God It’s Over (TGIO) party on Saturday and NaNoWriMo 2016 will be in the can.

I’m in the home stretch!

I’m in the home stretch!

I reached today’s goal (45K) before midnight on Saturday, putting me a day ahead with 45751. I have four more days to write and three of them have write-ins! With the pace I’ve already set, I could reach 50K on Monday and have more words than that before the month ends on Wednesday. One of the things I really need to do is sit down and name some of my characters and places. I have a map, made long ago on…

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I was a day ahead…

I was a day ahead…

Just before I posted this. As of midnight, Thanksgiving Day, I’m right on target at 40044. I plan on writing in the evening when people can be in the region’s chat room. It’s becoming clear to me my story will go over 50K by a large margin before I can actually go through and start editing. It’s always this way, actually, which is partially the reason I haven’t actually published anything. I write so much stuff I know I’m going…

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Seeing the light and it’s not a train!

Seeing the light and it’s not a train!

I’m at 35508, just past the word count for Day 21. At this point, I’m trying to develop origins for things that happen in the third book–things I’ve already written. It has meant weighing each element and seeing where and how and if it actually works. For example, I have the main villain in the third book vaguely describe just how she came to be where she is. I’ve taken that description and fleshed it out a lot, though as…

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