
Seeing the light and it’s not a train!

Seeing the light and it’s not a train!

I’m at 35508, just past the word count for Day 21. At this point, I’m trying to develop origins for things that happen in the third book–things I’ve already written. It has meant weighing each element and seeing where and how and if it actually works. For example, I have the main villain in the third book vaguely describe just how she came to be where she is. I’ve taken that description and fleshed it out a lot, though as…

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Tough week!

Tough week!

This has been one tough week! We had three write-ins in a row, each at a different library branch. (I have one more tomorrow morning at the local independent bookseller.) I’ve had physical therapy on two of those days and a doctor’s appointment on Thursday (before the PT and the write-in). I’m still getting used to a new medication and totally forgot to take my bedtime meds on Wednesday night, which meant little or no sleep for Thursday. Still catching…

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One of those brief updates.

One of those brief updates.

At the halfway point in the month, I am at 25,647 words! Right on track and halfway through! The newest library branch to welcome us had a “Halfway Through” write-in on the fifteenth and we had a special guest: a Wrimo from Boston! He liked how we actually rested and talked between word wars and he ended up blowing us all away with his word count during our last, twenty-minute word war–over 1100 words! There are three more write-ins this…

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My fingers are sore!

My fingers are sore!

Might be a touch of arthritis, might be neuropathy, might be overworking them with all this typing! In any case, I’m slightly above where I need to be; the daily goal is 18333 and I’m at 18698. We have a write-in tomorrow morning where I hope to reach 20K! As an aside, I’ve decided to rename Percy the rocket duck. I had originally wanted him because he reminded me of Thunderbird Three. My brother realized this and named his own…

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Super brief update.

Super brief update.

Despite having some painful medical tests today (fresh baselines for the new neurologist), I am where I should be: 15000 on the nose. I won’t be putting up anything about my story today; I’ll say something tomorrow for sure, though. I’ll just leave you with a picture of my new friend, Darla, and my rocket duck, Percy. Darla’s expression will probably make her a good guilt dragon for the rest of NaNo.

Fire drakes!

Fire drakes!

I’m at 11730, which is just past day 7’s goal of 11666. It took four 15 minute word wars to get there! My hands are sore; not sure if it’s from the cold of the house or a touch of arthritis. There’s a lot I could talk about when it comes to my books but I thought I might discuss something I need to research some more: fire drakes!

All caught up!

All caught up!

If you look at the word count widget on the right hand sidebar, you’ll see I’m at 10033. Since Day 6 is supposed to be 10K, I’m right on target! Yay! Okay, I promised a bit about Lucanthea or about the social structures of my world. Since Luca isn’t fleshed out very well yet (other than being an artist, a scientist, and a shape-shifting majii), I think I’ll go with the structures.

Almost caught up.

Almost caught up.

Current word count is 7877. Not quite the 8333 listed for day 5, but nearly caught up. I have a bit over 2000 to reach 10K, which is Sunday’s goal. Had a really well-attended write-in at a coffee house in Simpsonville. Thirteen people (other than myself) were there. One drawback: we couldn’t get online. This isn’t normally a problem but when you’re supposed to be having a virtual write-in for every physical one, you’re not sure just who you’re disappointing….

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A very brief update.

A very brief update.

I took Friday off to shop and to binge watch the rest of Thunderbirds Are Go’s first season; it dropped yesterday on Amazon Prime Video. I made Thursday’s goal, wrote a few hundred words on Friday, and have a write-in this afternoon, during which I plan on catching up. (Still have to grocery shop, though.) Current word count: 5353.  

Character excerpt–Alain di Wintersea

Character excerpt–Alain di Wintersea

My current word count is right on track: 3494. The word count widget is in the right sidebar. Just to prove that I don’t write just female characters, let me introduce you to Alain di Wintersea, from my novel, Knights of the Hex. He is majii but has what many would consider a low-key power: he can turn one inorganic thing into another. He is the current head of the Wintersea clan, known for the long line of majes that…

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