
Got on a roll writing tonight

Got on a roll writing tonight

I’ve been puttering around with a scene from Moonstrike! where Jeff takes his grown children to Mateo Island so they can see the progress being made on the Thunderbirds. In the comics, the Thunderbirds were built there as the facilities on Tracy Island weren’t ready, and weren’t really suitable, either, when you think about it. So, they’re visiting, and Jeff’s showing things off, and Brains is there, and when they get back to Tracy Island, Jeff is talking to his daughter about…

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I’m finding that coding my stories is very… therapeutic.

I’m finding that coding my stories is very… therapeutic.

Been working on coding things for my personal fiction site. I’ve finished and posted Mosaic – though that will be updated when the muse strikes – and I’m working on The White Winds. There’s still lots to do, but I’m almost halfway through the chapter formatting. I’ve managed to get it down to a routine. Open the .txt files, put in the chapter coding snippet for each chapter. Scroll down and add the back and forward buttons snippet. Tweak them…

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Rewriting history

Rewriting history

Have you ever had someone in your life who wants to rewrite their history? Instead of being seen as acting selfish, or vain, or jealous, or generally unhinged, they want you to edit things you have said to make them look good? To remove those times when they were selfish, or vain, or jealous, or whatever else they might have done? I have. Since 2006, someone has been so obsessed with the way they look to others that they’ve wanted…

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Resolutions–at last

Resolutions–at last

I’ve taken my own sweet time trying to figure out some New Year’s resolutions for myself this year. I’ve a bad habit, as many people have, of making resolutions and promptly breaking them. But I think I have a couple this year that I can stick with. One, is to try and get back with FlyLady. When I was working with her system, my house stayed cleaner and my life felt better organized. I’d like that feeling again. Two, to…

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I get inspiration in the strangest places…

I get inspiration in the strangest places…

I don’t know why, but it always seems I get inspiration when I’m driving around in the car. I don’t know if it’s the music I listen to, or if my state of mind, or what, but  somehow I see these things clearly then. Today it was scenes from my latest NaNo Novel, Tales of the Spruce Moose. I saw it so clearly, just as if someone had animated it for me. Oh, did I mention that I see these…

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eFiction for the user

eFiction for the user

I’ve been helping my good friend Lillehafrue copy some of her stories to Lunaescence Archives. She’s pretty upset (as am I) with the way has added those interstitial ads that you can’t X out, and wants a new place to post her stories. Now, Lunaescence uses a variation on eFiction, a popular archiving software. Quite a few of the smaller (and a couple of bigger) archives use it. The trouble is: it’s nothing like It has a limited…

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The Thunderbirds movie section at is gone!

The Thunderbirds movie section at is gone!

I nearly had a cow this morning when I noticed that I was given a link to the TV section from my movies section bookmark. At first, I thought they’d just deleted everything in the movie section, but it turns out they moved all the movie-verse stories – including the crossovers – into the TV-verse section. (I hope they also marked them as being Movie-verse, using the World filter. Otherwise, some strictly TV-verse fans are not going to be happy.)…

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I knew this would happen.

I knew this would happen.

Now? has put interstitial ad on their page, like the one you get once a day when you come to lj. The difference? THERE IS NO WAY TO X IT OUT. You have to 1. Listen to the video and 2. Do one of the quizzes listed. The page states that will get $1.40 for every quiz. If you don’t do this, you can’t get to the pages. They are LOCKED. I guess this is one of…

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The World filter – someone doesn’t like it

The World filter – someone doesn’t like it

Someone has left a couple of anonymous reviews on The White Winds, as well as on my friend TimeGuardian’s latest story, excoriating me for putting my movie-verse story in the TV-verse section using the World filter. I think I know who it is: someone who has very recently returned to the fandom after several years away, and who thinks the movie sucks. She’s also someone who I went head to head with at a fandom RP. Because she’s been out of the…

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It took 5 years, 8 months and 11 days. Final tally was 80 chapters and 352,759 words. BUT IT IS DONE! The White Winds is FINALLY OUT OF MY HAIR! Yes, there will eventually be a sequel dealing with Fermat’s mother. Seeds have been planted in White Winds to that end. But I have other WIPs that need my attention, including two unfinished NaNo fanfic novels and two unfinished NaNo original fics. So, lots more writing to do, starting with Resolutions Redux chapter 10.! Happy, Happy New Year!!

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