Barely keeping up

Barely keeping up

But keeping up nonetheless. I’ve done a lot on Burning Muses though going back through it and editing will be a bear. Some of the reasons I’ve kept up is that I’m doing some dictation using The stuff that comes out is not precisely what I want but it keeps the word count going. Write-ins, both in-person and virtual have been fabulous, even if what I write is even more difficult to parse than the dictation–especially on the laptop.

FlashFictionFriday’s latest word prompt grabbed me, so I wrote a one-shot I’ve posted here. It’s been well-received on AO3,, and Tumblr, too. The link to the story here is on the homepage. That went into the word count, too!

I’ve also been writing fanfiction of fanfiction! There’s a series on AO3 called “Movements”. It’s got three authors and it has inspired me! I have had so many ideas about this series! My favorite Thunderbirds character, Jeff Tracy, isn’t a loving father and compassionate man. He’s a power-hungry, narcissistic, megalomaniac who was scrubbed from a Mars colony mission because he knocked up a woman (Lucille, sort of canon character) and ended up with a family he didn’t want. He’s pulled into her orbit again because she had his child and when she’s temporarily out of commission, the authorities go looking for the father of four-year-old Scott. Jeff has a particularly bad opinion of Scott and holds a grudge throughout Scott’s life, even though he marries Lucille and acknowledges Scott as his son–after having a paternity test done. He subjects Scott to standards he does not hold his other sons to. When the Tracy sons fetch their father from the Oort Cloud where he has been surviving for eight years (this is the Thunderbirds Are Go! universe), they hope he has changed.

He hasn’t. Instead of putting up with his father’s crap anymore, Scott leaves IR, taking two of his brothers with him. Others in the family (Kayo) storm out due to Jeff’s attitude. The sons that are left are worked to the bone (almost literally!) while new recruits from outside aren’t as affected.

The whole thing is a cross-over, which is a problem for me writing in that world as I’m not too savvy about Captain Scarlet, another of Gerry Anderson’s creations and supposedly contemporary to Thunderbirds. My particular iteration of this idea is something I’ve been toying with for a while: a Tracy sister who deals with the Tracy business while Scott takes care of iR. It’s a variation of Moonstrike! only, in this particular case, the Tracy sister is Scott’s twin. So they go through a lot of the same crap from Jeff growing up.

This is going to be something I write for myself, I think, and not something to publish. It’s not fair to the writers who are doing so much in this AU crossover to ride so closely on their coattails. If I can come up with an idea that steers away from the Captain Scarlet part of the series, maybe I can write it to post. But right now, no.

Some research (read: watching TV) is necessary for my Doctor Who fic and my other Thunderbirds fics, The Love Board, and Commissions. There’s other, real research needed, too, about commissioning ceremonies and oaths. So, tomorrow I’ll be doing some of that as well as trying to keep up with the word count. 21667 tomorrow! Wish me luck!

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