Tweaks and tails

Tweaks and tails

Had to take a couple of hours to tweak all the links involved in The White Winds so navigation from chapter to chapter works right. It’s hard because the chapters are automatically numbered at both and AO3 but I haven’t been doing that here. I probably should, simply to make it clearer. I plan on updating chapters here on Mondays and Thursdays, just to be consistent. Readers at AO3 like it and though they could read the whole thing at, some folks don’t like the “Pit of Voles”, as it’s called.

Tails? Yeah. We had to put down a kitty in May and now I’ve adopted another: a skinny, still-kittenish, former mother of six, orange tabby. The shelter named her June Cleaver; I changed that to June-bug. She’s loud and bossy. The two older cats are slowly getting used to her.

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