6 days late but at the halfway point!

6 days late but at the halfway point!

Finally hit the halfway point on the 20th but it’s now the 21st here. I still have a long way to go to catch up but I’m working on it! Part of the issue is my fumbly fingers and my inability to jail my inner editor. The issue is mainly spelling; I know from experience that if I don’t get something at least approximating the word I intend, I may lose it on a later reread and spellcheck.  At least I have the dishes done; it’s one issue that’s been driving me nuts over the past few days!

I have a couple of appointments coming up this week. Besides my PT visits, I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday. Problem is: I may not be able to pay for it!  We’ll see what happens! Then I’m taking a wheezy cat to the vet. This, at least, I can handle, especially since the Girl is going to pay for it (or pay me back, depending on if she decides to come along. She’s been skittish of the vet’s office since her dog died back in May. Chala was well-loved there and once they learned of Chala’s death at the emergency vet, several people have asked after her. They also sent a lovely sympathy card. I love our vet practice!)

Today, I’m going to try to get a lot more writing done between doing some baking and working on Christmas gifts! Time is flying!

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