Camp NaNoWriMo April 2017

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2017

 Yeah, I’m trying the April session of Camp NaNoWriMo this year. Since I haven’t finished my last chapter of Not All Dead, that’s my first priority. (I am close, very close to finishing it). After that, I’m going to work on my sequel to The White Winds, titled Where All Love Begins. I tried to write this during a previous Camp session but didn’t get too far into it. Those bits and pieces are put aside so they won’t be counted in the official word count. I’ll add them back into the story later.

I’m starting with a small word count, just 10K. I figure it’s something I can manage and I’ll be able to increase it as the month goes on. That’s one of the nice things about Camp; you can set your own word count. As for the first day, I only wrote 352 words, just enough to keep up with my daily count.

So, you can poke me on twitter or Facebook or tumblr from time to time and ask my how my word count is. Since Camp is all online, I won’t have the face-to-face write-ins to keep me motivated. Having my friends and family online to nudge me will really help!

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