Oy, nearly a month since my last post!

Oy, nearly a month since my last post!

Not good! But, other than the holidays, I do have some reasons for the delays.

First, we’ve added a new computer to the household. My daughter now has a custom-built rig with a full-sized chassis and a very powerful graphics card. It’s taken quite some time to get it all together and running; for the past couple of weeks, she’s had it set up on at 6′ table in the living room while she finished the final touches of paint in her room and transferred materials from her old rig to the new one. (She has also taken advantage of the router to plug in her rigs directly for downloading purposes.) For her to move the new rig into her bedroom, we had to lay ethernet cable through a hole in the ceiling to her room–and to the dining room, where my mini-tower was moved. Why? I inherited her old rig and spent a few days wrangling that into shape. My husband now has my old computer; it still works and runs many of the games he likes to play. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a wireless card. So, the router (located on a shelf in my little office cubby) now has three computers directly linked to it and the ceiling above my desk has a hole in it.

The things we sacrifice for technology…

With my new-to-me rig, came the need for a new, ergonomic keyboard and mouse. My daughter was appalled at the way I type and suggested I really needed the keyboard. It also turned out my webcam was incompatible with Windows 10 so I got a new one of those as well. Now, if I could only get my filing system down to the basic folders I had before and remove my daughter’s email off the system, I’d be good.

In any case, I have written a little more on “Not Dead Yet”. Chapter Two is pretty much complete and I’m moving on to Chapter Three. No more than four chapters planned for this one, I think, though I have been wrong before. I also need to poke my beta on the fanfic chapters I sent her back in November so I can fix them up and post.

It’s hard for me to write without the external pressure of NaNoWriMo but if I want to actually publish a book, this is what I need to do. Butt in chair, hands on keyboard.

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