I wrote some today…

I wrote some today…

But cleaning the house–and trying to get some decent sleep–has taken over for the past couple of weeks.

It might look like I’m not making progress but I am. My main problem (which happens during Camp NaNoWriMo) is that my inner editor is out of the box and slowing me down. Not only that, I’m trying to decide where this particular story takes place in the canon of The Flash TV show. I was always shooting for season 2 but I have to decide how Cisco Ramon deals with his powers. If he is going with them and has his visor, then Jay Garrick is in the lives of Team Flash already. It’ll take some tweaking to get it right. I’m bingeing on the IMDb synopses and quotes to refresh my memory.

Maybe I should have asked for season 2 for Christmas…

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