Ugh. Behind, as usual.

Ugh. Behind, as usual.

Here I am, five days into Camp NaNoWriMo and I’ve written less than 300 words. Yup, that’s right. Less than 300.

I just can’t write at home anymore. There’s too much housework and responsibility swirling around me, pressing down. Cats walking across my desk and making themselves at home on my mouse pad. Dogs whining for no apparent reason and children lying on the sofa with headphones on, ignoring the dogs. Not to mention that my desk chair’s hydraulics are accelerating their downward spiral to non-functional status. My idea to update my WIPs is falling quickly by the wayside; I almost feel I should totally rewrite the stories from scratch! Plus, I checked out Jukepop today and I kinda want to finish off my first Hex Majestorum story to post there. It sounds like an interesting way to possibly monetize my writing.

My goal tonight is to go to bed at a decent hour so I can get up at one as well. I’ve left my husband with a list of stuff I’d like him to do, leaving room for him to play a game or two with the boys before the oldest goes back to his apartment. I also need to sit down with the two remaining kids–I use the term loosely as they’re both adults–about them pulling their weight here at home. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll feel less pressure from the housework and be able to write. If not, plan B is to take the van every day and go elsewhere: the library, a restaurant with or without wi-fi (I prefer with so I can access, the Y, just somewhere I can set up, tune out, and plug into my writing. Even two hours would be helpful!

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