NaNoWriMo 2013
Yes, it’s that time of year again.
Yes, I am an ML again. My co-ML had surgery just before the month began, so I’m the one juggling a lot of the meat-space stuff. We had a great turn out for our first write-in and hopefully I’ll have notice of the meeting place for our second one as our first choice for weeknights fell through.
I’m working on finishing my novel from the July Camp session. Using Scrivener, too, which is very helpful. I wish, however, it would give me a word count on a highlighted section.
One of the artisans has made me a truly impressive cover, and another is doing right by my female dwarf character in a computer render.
I’m going to try to put up a writing prompt every few days throughout the month in hopes of stimulating my writing. You all can join in if you like. I’ll try to make them as broad as possible for use in many different genres.
Today’s prompt: TEA.