Making another stab at the novel
Uh … yeah.
I’ve done some more fiddling with the plot, removing the entire inn sequence—though the inn itself may return in a later chapter. Some of the characters have had their functions and family relationships reworked and I’ve rewritten what is sort of a prologue, even though I understand that many agents don’t like prologues at all. I just feel it’s really important to the plot for this information to come out at the beginning, especially as it’s so far in the past.
Still tinkering in my head about a few things, particularly in regards to the dwarves and giants. Going to keep writing as much as I can. I find it kind of hard to do during the day when the boys are playing League of Legends (they ask if they can unplug the desktop from the router when they do—gives them less lag and better ping). But I do want to get my sleeping schedule under control, too, so late nights are going to have to be pared back. Hopefully I can find some time to write that’s convenient for all of us.
I may also need a new title for this work…