

Just got back from seeing Riders In The Sky. We’ve been fans of theirs for years, ever since the kids were young and we bought Harmony Ranch and the days of their Saturday morning TV show (though Hubby was a fan long before that!). It was a wonderful concert, full of great cowboy songs and comedy. Clean, fun… a lot of families brought young kids dressed up as buckaroos and buckarettes . We sat way, way up in the nosebleed section but we could see really clearly from there. The tickets were reasonable, and a check we’d gotten from our mortgage company (overpayment of legal costs) provided the money – though next time, I’ll buy them at the box office instead of online and keep from paying the "convenience fee"! All of us had a great time!

Last day of school for the Girl; she had one test in the morning and she was through. The boys finished yesterday. So now we have the summer stretching ahead of us. But first, a milestone to celebrate – the Niece is graduating! Her ceremony is tomorrow, early in the morning, at the BiLo Center. It seems that most all the schools are using the BiLo Center and there are several graduation ceremonies per day there. I guess it’s one of the few places big enough to fit both a graduating class and all the friends and relations who show up to see them walk across the stage. Fortunately, Hubby has the day off. Unfortunately – in one way – my folks weren’t able to come down for this. However, that opens up enough tickets for the boys to go. There’ll be a combined birthday/graduation party for the Niece this weekend. I’m making five-cup salad, but we’ll have to wait for Hubby to get off work before we can go down there.

And just as the summer gets off the ground (and I can sleep in late without worrying about the dog) the Girl starts her College Boards. SAT this weekend and ACT the next. Won’t get to sleep in those days because she has to be to the exam sites by 7:45 a.m.! Whew! She’s also talking about getting her beginner’s permit and a job. She’ll need the permit for Driver’s Ed. next year, but it’s still scary stuff!

Walked out with the dog a few moments ago and the night is like a warm wet sponge. Humid, in the mid-eighties – feels like summer has hit us hard the way winter didn’t. To be expected, I suppose.

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