Verrrrrrry Innnnnnteresting!

Verrrrrrry Innnnnnteresting!

Whew! What a day!

Four big things with FanLib Monday/Tuesday!

First, I wrote an entry for No Hiatus, the FanLib blog, concerning Script Frenzy, a script-writing challenge from the people who gave us NaNoWriMo. It went up Monday (as Script Frenzy started yesterday) and I noticed that I wasn’t listed as a "guest blogger". Instead, I have my own byline there! Very cool! I have another entry coming up today or tomorrow about the new Thunderbirds novels.

Second, I sent in my 50 Creativity Giveaway points. I heard later from Naomi at support that they’d verified them, and gave me the form to fill out for my prize: a leather-bound FanLib journal. I could have had a t-shirt, but I already have one of those so the journal it is! I’ve been told it will be in the mail today!

Third, I got a very interesting PM from Holly9000, one of the mods, asking me if I wanted to become a forum moderator! Now, I’ve never pressed myself forward there as I’ve always felt I didn’t have the time to devote to the site… but, I’m there every day, for pity’s sake! I’m still not sure if I’m going to go for it; my family wants to know if it’s a paid position – which it isn’t. Still, I’d like to hear from my friends who are at FanLib to get their advice (hint, hint).

And fourth, I finally made featured author!!! I’ve been on the carousel twice, been a featured reviewer three times. I’ve been a featured member. But, to me, being a featured author takes the cake! It means my story is considered really good and I get my quote (which is: …"Me, forget April Fool’s day? No way!") up on the quotation carousel in the far right corner. I’ve been added to the long list of featured authors chosen during the past year. Can you say "validation as a writer"? To me, that does. 

Now… to get back to writing my WIPs!

A good past couple of days, all in all!

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