Sad to see spring wilting
Not the trees; they’re still green and getting greener. But the flowers… three nights of chilly temperatures have killed a lot of the azaleas (including ours) and some of the dogwoods. It makes me sad to see. I hear the peach crop is all but ruined, too. It would have been in flower, like these other trees and bushes.
I’m feeling a bit of nausea tonight. The Girl was complaining of the same yesterday, and Hubby also mentioned it this evening. Didn’t stop him from having two helpings of stroganoff. I cooked, for a change. Wanted to get dinner done by seven.
I haven’t been writing a whole lot; trying to get this next chapter of The White Winds out is like pulling teeth. But I really want to get it done before late May… when it would be TWO years that I’ve been working on it. Can’t believe that!!
Okay. Deep breath, and onward. More later if the muse moves.