Donut Day!!

Donut Day!!

That’s what I’ve decided to call the day that report cards come home since we always go to Krispy Kreme and get their "Donuts for As". And there were lots of As, too. Both boys got straight As, and the Girl had all As – except in Algebra 2 Honors, where she was one point short of a B. A much better grade than it looked like she’d get from her start in the course this year. Each of them brought home a half dozen donuts – which they shared with Mom, since she drove them over there! (Yes, I was being very, very bad, but then, I didn’t eat lunch either.) I’ve heard from Boy #2’s teacher that he’s getting three awards at their little quarterly ceremony tomorrow, so I’ll make sure I’m there.

I myself had an ambitious day. I was finally sick and tired of all the coats and jackets piled up on the erstwhile "love seat" in the mudroom and decided to do something about it. I picked up a couple of coat racks with hooks and put them up in the mudroom. My ultimate goal is to get the area in front of the back door cleared (even of the black and yellow argeope spider that’s out there). I also did lots of dishes, scrubbed down my stove, and washed the grill things and the gas regulator pieces.

I also finally colored my hair. The kids always make faces when I do this. It came out a whole lot more red than I expected, and the kids think it’s purple in some areas. Just what I need to hear.

>Tomorrow night is our church’s Harvest Happening. We’re taking Boy #2’s friend with us. Boy #2 has been invited to the friend’s similar event on Saturday night. We all did jack o’ lanterns this year; mine was studded with a moon and stars – a few too many and too big stars. Next year, I use my metal cookie cutters as stencils if I do something like this again. Hubby did Fearless Fred The Pirate (Dread) from his comic strip. I don’t think it can beat last year’s Captain Kiddeo though. The Girl did a manga-style kitty, Boy #1 put some Chinese and Japanese words/characters on there (as well as the sign of pi on the back – just to give you the idea). Boy #2 did a more traditional face, which ended up looking like something out of Calvin and Hobbes. I don’t think I can get pictures this year but I’ll try. My old camera doesn’t talk to my newer computer.

I can’t believe it; tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the creation of IR:TNP! We haven’t been RPing quite that long, but I created the site on October 27, 2003. There have been so many changes since then; at one point, I didn’t think we’d ever even use the site. But we opened it up for RPing a few months later and have been going strong ever since. Now we have three new players and another possible one or two waiting in the wings. It’s exciting… and sometimes frustrating. Those who know me know why.

NaNoWriMo starts next week. I have four drabbles left to write and I should try to get at least one chapter of TWW up before going on a months hiatus to write my original stuff. The characters are begging to be written – patience, patience!

More later if the muse moves.

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