Whew! Finally another chapter up!
Chapter 14 of The White Winds is up and what a hassle! I got this new word processing program (with a whole lot more) that’s supposed to be MS Word compatible. Well, I had trouble uploading to ff.net, and when I finally did post the chapter, things were all bunched together. I had to go back, save in Wordpad, and upload from there. Then things looked right. I hope I don’t have to do this for every single file from now on!
Working on Chapter 7 of Overtures. It’s coming slowly. I have a good scene between Gordon and Lou that I need to write up before I lose it. I guess that’s for the rest of the evening.
Went to the bookstore for The Great Gatsby (the Girl’s next English book) and came home with a whole lot more, including the second volume of a crazy time/dimensional-travel/romance fic that both Hubby and I read the first volume of. Looking forward to that.
More as the muse moves!