I have a second blog.
I’ve created a second blog, under my Tiquatoo address, that I’m dedicating to helping people write better. I’ve linked it to this one in my favorite links list; it’s at the bottom. The site is pared down to the essentials, really, with a list of writer’s resources, common fan fiction terms, and the blog, where I hope to discuss writing and bring out some of the basics at first. This site is linked as well so that if people want to know more about me personally, they can.
Midterm progress reports come home today, as do the PACT test results from the older two kids. I’ll see Boy #2’s PACT scores when I finally see his teacher for conferences. I found out on Tuesday that he and one other boy (with the same name as his, but in 3rd grade) are the only two from their whole school who are taking challenge this year. It makes me proud, and sad at the same time. Proud that he is smart enough to need the challenge, and sad that there are so few exceptional students there. I’m sure there have to be others; perhaps they didn’t test well on the challenge placement test. I don’t know.
The Girl has joined the “Graphic Novel Club” at school. It was formerly known as the “Anime Club”. She seems to be happy about it. Hubby is going to the union meeting for the first time tonight. There are route inspections coming up in early October, and he is very, very nervous about them. I guess the meeting tonight will be an informational one covering the route inspections.
I have to make some time and make myself do some writing. I’ve been avoiding my two stories for the past few days and I’m not sure why. Hobbeth did a copy/paste on TracyLOVER’s letter to her… it was as nasty as the one I got. I did find it interesting that TL’s own brother got online and “reviewed” her fic; now she knows what a flame really is.
Enough for now. More as the muse moves.