Put up the last chapter of Masquerade

Put up the last chapter of Masquerade

So it’s now officially complete. I’ve started writing Overtures and have chapter 9 of The White Winds well under way. People like the movie-verse fic and say it’s very realistic, and very happy. I think it’s about time that something without a lot of angst was written about the movie Alan. I mean, he couldn’t be angry all the time.
Spent a couple of hours just napping this afternoon. Tomorrow, school starts for the Girl. She’s been in such a tizzy about it until finally I found a schedule of tomorrow’s freshman events and printed it off for her. Now she’s a bit calmer. Found out the other day that the Hubby’s start time has been pushed back a half hour, effective Saturday.  That means we’ll have to be out of the house by 7:15 on school days, and I’ll take him, then Boy #2 then Boy #1, then the Girl to school. Talk about car lines! The verdict is still out on her taking the bus; I’d like her to take it home at least. Maybe she can confab with Ashley to find out which one to take.
Hubby is not home yet. If he’s gone to the library on his own, he will definitely be in the dog house! This would be the second time this week that he went straight from work and the third time that he went in total. I didn’t mind it so much yesterday; he came home and took the kids while I was napping. But when he goes on his own, he stays until it closes…. grr.
More as the muse moves.

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