Woo Hoo! Goal met!
Went to see my GP, Dr. T.E., today about the toe. They x-rayed it and she said it looked good and I could stop buddy taping it. But of more importance was what the scale said! A loss of another 4 lbs since I was there two weeks ago! Woo Hoo! That’s a total of 16 since my visit with the diabetes management people back in April and 24 since my diagnosis in March! It is so good to reach and even exceed that goal!
I came home and celebrated with another small helping of toffee, sharing with my kids like last time. I had a lunch light on carbs so I didn’t even feel guilty about it.
Working on laundry and writing today. The White Winds 6 is moving along, as is Masquerade 21. Hope today is the Hubby’s 8-hour day; yesterday was supposed to be it but someone took sick and he worked over, as usual. Gotta think of supper for the boys again, and start it soon.
More later as the muse moves.