There’s weather coming….
and I wish it would get here and go! I actually made it to church this morning, mostly because the service was later and we were having dinner on the grounds afterwards. But I think I buddy taped my toe a little too tight and between that and the neuropathy flaring up because of the weather, I was pretty miserable by the time the meal was over. So Hubby took me home and went back to see the special play they had for the 1:30 service. I tried to eat right during the dinner, but it was all offset by my indulgence of the morning: donuts. Both of my feet are dancing with the burn right now and I’m having trouble focusing on my writing.
Ran my antivirus and spyware programs today when Willow told me she got a spyware alert as she accessed C’s pictures on Thunderbirds World. She also said she got the alert on IR:TNP, but I haven’t reported that one yet.