I shouldn’t be up this late
Not if I want to go to church tomorrow, as I should.
I managed to type out that little starter scene for The White Winds, chapter 5. Hobbeth liked it and gave me the idea for making it necessary. I fiddled with my livejournal, giving it a fresh look and adding a couple of entries. Got out “may we please use your fic” requests for Classic Thunderbirds Showcase, but I still need an email address for Rathead. Hopefully Rain can find one for me. If not, I’ll have to send my request via review. I’d make it anonymous, if possible, so she could remove it. Did a post for the new Thunderbar site on Yahoo; I hope Daria finds us a new home really, really soon. Ezboards is weirding me out.
Bad blood sugar today. I don’t know why; but I felt I had to have two pieces of leftover pizza around five and that shot my levels through the roof.
Chatted with Suz both voice and IM. It was nice to touch base with her again. I should clean out my addresses and old IM names and such. Wish I could have a secondary address book that would hold older addresses.
Well, it’s not getting anything but later. Off to bed I go. G’night