What do I like so far?

What do I like so far?

Well, I like the choice of themes. This outer space theme seems to look cool. I also like the choice of layouts. I’m not keen on the fact that I have to upgrade my Windows Media Player if I want to copy a playlist from there, but I’m doing it anyway. Much easier than trying to type in all the stuff from my MusicMatch playlist (which is rather extensive). I do wish I could change the size of my fonts, or change the fonts themselves. That’s a drawback that both livejournal and MSN Spaces share.

We had a nasty thunderstorm come through today, which set my neuropathy pain rating up to a nine or so. I napped a bit at the height of the storm. We did make it out to Lee’s so they could solder on my new Native American Thunderbird charm (closest thing I’m going to get to a Thunderbird), and to Walmart so I could put the vacation pictures in to be developed. They’ll be coming back as prints and on a CD, so maybe I can paste some pics of Carlsbad Caverns up here later this week.

Hope this color comes up okay on the blog. I’ll have my music playlist up later.

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