Thunderbirds Haiku

Thunderbirds Haiku

Summary: A series of haiku celebrating the cast of Thunderbirds.
Fandom: Thunderbirds TV-verse
Rating: K
Original Date of Publication: September 1, 2006

Notes and disclaimer: I wrote the first of these for the Friday Fun challenge on Live Journal’s Fanthropology community. However, as I wrote it, the bit about Scott surfaced, and I knew I would have to write about them all. Thanks to my late friend, Hobbeth, for her help and tweaking.

I didn’t create them; Gerry and Sylvia Anderson did. I don’t own them, ITV/Granada does.  I’m just writing about them.

Wealthy Tracy clan
Fly machines, rescue hopeless.
Thunderbirds are go.

Scott Tracy, eldest,
Flies the fastest, arrives first,
Directs the action.

Next, Virgil Tracy
Brings equipment in the pod,
Drives to save the day.

John Tracy, in space,
Listens hard, responds to calls,
Monitors alone.

Gordon Tracy dives
Beneath the sea; his great love
Nearly took his life.

Last, Alan Tracy
Pilots his rocket ship high
Into outer space.

Geeky Brains, his mind
whirls with ideas. Not all are
useful. Ask Braman.

Jeff Tracy, father,
Commanding from his island,
Sends sons to danger.

Tin-Tin, instructed
at the finest schools, must find
dictation galling.

Kyrano, gentle,
skilled, unselfish; he has a
mystery ailment.

Hood, cruel and selfish,
uses his brother to gain
Thunderbirds’ secrets.

Grandma cannot help
but meddle in the affairs
of her grandchildren.

Penelope finds
the shadow game better than
giving estate tours.

Loyal Parker must
enjoy driving Milady’s
pink Rolls Royce, FAB-1.

Penelope likes
Jeff; he is oblivious
to her advances.

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