It’s been awhile…

It’s been awhile…

It’s autumn, my favorite time of year. The temperatures are cooler; the trees are slowly changing color. Today, my husband and youngest son are taking the air conditioners out of the windows. I’ve brought in my long pants. I’ve lost more weight since last fall and some of my jeans are going to Goodwill soon.

NaNoWriMo is next month and I’m one of three Municipal Liaisons for our region. For once, I have a basic plan for my writing. Right now, I’m doing better writing small bites, 1000-5000 words per chapter or short. So the plan is to finish Burning Muses at least; that’s 6 more chapters. Then another fanfic on the topic of “Commissions”. (Mostly because AO3 assumes that when this title comes up, a user is writing stories for pay. So I’m going to mess with them a bit…) There’s a Thunderbirds Are Go (aka TAG) fic planned, too. Not sure how long it will be but it will deal with how the world sees their heroes. I have what should be a short OldWho meets NuWho (that’s the new Doctor Who for those of who aren’t in the know) kicking around in my brain. And, finally, a variation on Moonstrike! set in the TAG universe with a narcissitic dark!Jeff and the Tracy sister being twins with Scott.

There’s a whole series of co-written stories with a Jeff who despises Scott and basically abuses him emotionally and mentally, holding him to higher, unattainable standards than the other sons. The whole series is about how Jeff’s return from the Oort Cloud hasn’t changed his feelings about Scott and how Scott–who’s been his own man for 8+ years–rebels, leaving International Rescue and Tracy Industries to his father, taking the youngest sons with him. It’s a crossover with Captain Scarlet as both Scott and Gordon find a home there. I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment!

I’m not sure I could write a crossover with them; I’m not familiar with the show. So it would end up very different, I think, from the Movements series. It’ll take a lot of careful thought.

One of the things I want to get done ASAP is finish editing The White Winds. I’m up to chapter 43 so far. That’s why all you see on the home page is my posting each chapter. Hmm. I forgot to post my short fic for Thunderbirds Day. I guess I need to do that, too!

BTW, anything posted by El is actually posted by Tikatu. It’s just a change in browser.

Later days, y’all

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